Gallery of Past Club Events
2011 Chili Party
April 2, 2011
Submitted by Bill Marshall
We would like to thank Steve and Nancy Woodall for hosting our Annual Meeting and Chili Party at their home on Saturday, April 2. We were once again treated to the use of their Carriage House and plenty of Steve’s cars to ogle during Happy Hour with dinner served on the upper level. It just doesn’t get any better than this! .
We experienced a strong attendance with many members vying for the title of Best Chili in the Mid-Atlantic honor. We also held our traditional Kitchen Box Challenge provided by last year’s champion Jean Josefson, as well as our Parts Box Challenge assembled this year by Keith Kallapos. .
I would also like to thank Butch Smith for acquiring the prizes for the Best Chili and Parts Box Challenge winners and runners-up. The Chapter also extends a hearty thank you to Cecelia Bruce of Scarborough Faire for donating a gift certificate as a prize.
The winner of the Best Chili honor was Shelia Stern whose recipe relegated perennial winner Butch Smith to a runner-up position this year. Third place was taken by a surprised (to me) Bill Marshall. We had a number of offerings in a tie for 4th Place including defending champion Bruce Zivic. .
Here is a hint for next year’s contestants: The more mild recipes seemed to be gaining favor over the fire-breathing concoctions!
The Kitchen Box Challenge was won by Judy Smith, closely followed by Lisa Eaton and Shelia Stern. Our new formula of having the previous winner prepare the Box for the current year seems to allow for a year-long opportunity to find obscure kitchen gadgets known only to gourmets. Many items selected by Jean baffled the ladies but all of them did seem to correctly identify the various styles of wine-cork removers. I wonder what that means?
Keith did a wonderful job providing parts for the Parts Box Challenge but alas, no one substituted the worn parts taken from Kelsey’s project car with shiny new or reconditioned parts. Jim Mackin identified the most parts with Michael Eaton and Butch Smith just a few parts behind.
We once again thank the Woodalls for their generosity in having the Chapter over for this event.
The Chili Party also serves as an opportunity to host our Annual Meeting. Martha Ludtke provided a recap of last year’s Annual Meeting along with a treasurer’s report based on the numbers when she turned over the position to Judy Smith. Judy then provided a recap of the spending for the past year along with the announcement that with Butch and her pending relocation to Mathews, she would be stepping down from that position.
This provided a nice segue to our nominations and election of our Executive Committee for the upcoming year. By voice vote, Bill Marshall and Liz Ten Eyck were again confirmed as chairman and vice chairman, Keith Kallapos returns as our technical adviser, Alana Adams was approved as our new secretary/treasurer and Kathy Kallapos will serve as our new at-large member.
The Chapter continues to be supported by an active membership with a broad range of activities scheduled throughout the year.