MGA Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Gallery of Past Club Events

Original British Car Day

June 6, 2010

This year's Original British Car Day, sponsored by the Chesapeake Chapter of the New England MG T-Series Register, was held on a gloomy, overcast day but that didn't dampen the spirits of the attendees. The day had everything: Big Band music, bagpipers, picturesque lily ponds, and Boardwalk Fries. (There were plenty of cars, too.)

Bill Marshall, Keith, Kathy and Kelsey Kallapos, Charlie and Alana Adams met in Centerville to caravan up to the show, and set out with Bill in the lead, the rest of the As in trail, until Keith's A hiccupped with a bad condenser and had to return to the garage.

The caravan stopped in Leesburg to rendezvous with Craig Allison, Chris and Cheryl Kintner and Liz Ten Eyck, and a chance to avail themselves of the local Home Depot's facilities. The group continued down the road. After driving across the bridge over the Potomac River at Point of Rocks, traffic slowed to a snail's pace as we followed an Austin Healey to the show grounds that thought the speed limit was 25 instead 45. At the show all British marques were well represented.

The Mid-Atlantic A'ers were well represented, as well. Showing cars were Charlie and Alana Adams, Craig Allison, Ruthie Arnold (with her MGB), Doug and Kay Campbell (with their Magnette), Kelsey Kallapos (with her MGB), Chris and Cheryl Kintner, Bill Marshall, Jack Stern, Larry Newman and Diana Campbell (both gray and red), and Liz Ten Eyck (displayed only). Diana Campbell also helped with registration. Member John Tokar did an outstanding job of coordinating the event. We missed seeing Martha Ludtke, who may have been impacted by the weather, and Bob Schoeplein, who was recovering from surgery.

Also in attendance providing strength in numbers and moral support were Ruth and Len Renkenburger and Mike Eaton (with son Robert).

At the end of the day Larry Newman's gray car won first place, new club member Craig Allison, who bought Bob Samualson's red A, won third place and Larry Newman's red 1961 1600 won honorable mention.

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MGA Mid-Atlantic Chapter

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