Gallery of Past Club Events
Hunt Country Classic
October 11, 2009
The MG Car Club held their 14th annual classic British Car Show on Sunday, October 11, 2009.
As we have done the past few years, we organized a small caravan to drive to the show. We started in Manassas as Charlie Adams was collecting a spare MGB GT to take to the show getting an early taste of car show life while he begins the early stages of his MGA restoration project. Joining us were Keith & Kathy Kallapos and Jim Mackin still learning that it can be cold at speeds without a jacket in the fall mornings! On the way we collected Ken & Joyce Lawrence along the roadside and we were on our merry way, traveling Route 55 through Haymarket, The Plains and into Marshall.
Once in the Marshall area, there are only two turns to reach the show field and these intersections are always carefully marked by members of the MG Car Club. This year, perhaps to provide an added opportunity to the local residents to view the cars, the signs were not in place AT the intersections but on the shoulders of the road leading up to the intersection and on the opposite side of the road that one would be looking. Oh well. This gave me an opportunity to test how well the caravan would follow an obviously lost leader. To shorten the story, they followed well, then missed the turn-around point due to traffic, picked another British car to follow who led them wrong and well, we all finally made it to the show, arriving as two groups!
This year there were 21 MGAs on display in the MGA parking area, plus Bob and Jane Schoeplein showing in the race car class and Liz Ten Eyck showing in the Prince of Wales category reserved for the class winners of last year's event. In addition to those members of the Lost Squadron, Chapter members Bill & Kathy Wemhoff, Tom Ford, Bruce Zivic, John & Kelly Burns all had their MGAs on display. Showing in the MGB GT class were members Charlie Adams in the borrowed GT and Ruth Arnold showing her 1974 MGB GT, Bridget. We later welcomed a late arriving Warren Arthur with his MGA, John Padgett, who helped park show cars, and past Chapter Chairman Amy Rothberg, who is now MGA-less but still active in the Chapter.
The quality of the cars on the show field is just spectacular. Each year the quality of the new restorations just continues to improve and the attention to detail of the older restorations also continues to improve. The winners in the MGA class this year were Paul Hanley with his 1959 Twin Cam, Chris & Cheryl Kintner with their 1957 1500 roadster and Bob Samuelson with his 1960 1600 roadster.
I would like to thank all of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter members who volunteered their time to the MG Car Club to assist with parking duties. It takes a great number of people to host a car show of this size and the MG Car Club always does a wonderful job making sure the event runs smoothly.
The MG Car Club has posted the winners of all the classes on their web site as well as photographs of many of the cars entered in the show. More information can be found at