MGA Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Gallery of Past Club Events

Winter Romp

March 9, 2008

For those who believe the driving season stretches beyond the accepted May through October months, we decided to join the MG Car Club for their annual Winter Romp held this year on March 9th. Brisk temperatures and a brisk wind kept the MGAs parked in their garages as only Chapter members Ruth Arnold and Bill Marshall ventured out to participate in the 150 mile scenic Drive to Lunch. While one brave MGCC member ventured out in his MG TC, sans side curtains even, Ruthie arrived in her 1974 MGB GT and Bill chose the warmth of his 1967 MGB GT for the event, figuring there must be a purpose to owning a "winter car."

Our rendezvous point for the drive was the Starbucks in Leesburg, Virginia. Leaving promptly at 10 am, the MGCC caravan headed north on Route 15 towards Lucketts, then selected a series of wonderful MG roads taking us through the villages of Waterford, Hillsboro and Round Hill to our first pit stop location of High’s Hill Top store. Refreshed, and with Steve briefly thawed and ready to go forth is his TC once again, we headed west on Route 7 to Berryville where we turned onto Route 340 towards Boyce and our second pit/defrosting of Steve stop. With Steve once again just numb we continued on Route 340 past the famous White Post Restorations shop, also passing Dinosaur Land and crossing Interstate 81 as we entered into Stephens City. There we found Route 11, which took us to our lunch destination at the historic Wayside Inn in Middletown, Va.

After a wonderful Sunday Brunch, a few of our caravan, including our fridged TC driver, headed back towards "The City" while the majority of us continued on course with a route through the George Washington National Forest to Luray and then east over the Blue Ridge to Sperryville. From there, now thoroughly lost but hanging close to our leader, a few jigs and jags took us to Flint Hill and onto our long-favorite MG road. Crest Mill Road runs from Flint Hill to I-66 near Marshall and is about 15 miles of perfect driving conditions with a speed limit of 45 MPH interspaced with many 20 MPH twisties. Smooth pavement, one stop sign and light traffic make this road a perfect ending to any MG day.

Once on Interstate 66 each was on their own as we headed towards home. While the temperatures were chilly this year, the drive would not have been uncomfortable in an MGA with top up and side curtains in place. We encourage everyone to think about expanding their driving season and joining us next year as the MG Car Club plans once again to be the first club out of the starting blocks.

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MGA Mid-Atlantic Chapter

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