Gallery of Past Club Events
November Pub Night
November 16, 2008
Our first Pub Night of the season was Sunday, Nove. 16 at the home of Steve and Nancy Woodall.
Many of us were able to visit the Woodall's carriage house while it was under construction but not many had seen the completed project. We gathered for drinks and appetizers in the carriage house and receive tours of the two story "Taj-Garage" before stepping over to the main house for our pizza lunch.
These Sunday afternoon Pub Nights have proven popular in that we have far more members able to attend than were able to join us during the weeknights at a restaurant. Joining our hosts were Butch & Judy, Bill & Karen, Larry & Diana, Ken & Joyce, Keith & Kathy, Ruthie, Toby & Helen and Carl & Jean. We were also joined by our new member, Ted Wadsworth, whom we hope was not scared off and will return for future events. Bill and Kathy Wemhoff were scheduled to attend but Kathy took mercy on the rest of us by not bringing whatever virus she had contacted from the grandkids to the party!
The Pub Nights are always enjoyable because we have time to linger over conversations and catch up with everything going on in the MGA world. During our Drives, it seems we get a few words in during the pit stops and over lunch and then off we go again.
Our thanks go out to Steve and Nancy for opening their home to the Chapter for the event. We are looking for a volunteer to host a Pub Night in February.